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onsdag 5. januar 2011

In the name of Diesel Power!

So we were off to a great start. The car was running perfectly, well as perfect as one can expect. We did some minor adjustments to the car using gaffa, a glove and a sexy jumpsuit to seal various cold air leaks. We almost got the car heated enough to avoid frostbite. Almost. The whole engine protection-rig is so low that we hit all kinds of nice stuff - speed bumps - regular bumps and puppies. OK. That’s enough about the sheer awesomeness of the car.

The trip was rather uneventful. There was only one real near death experience - that is besides the continuous near that experience that is riding the car in the first place. We were cruising along - just fine - on the open road of the Danish motorway. Per was sleeping like a baby. I was driving like the driving God that I am when a small problem appeared. This was really a result of our Optimum Diesel Spending Plan (ODSP™).

Our ODSP was calculated from Internet prices Kristian continuously updated us with. Denmark was cheaper then Sweden, but more expensive then Germany - so we planed to enter Germany with as little fuel as possible. This seemed like a good idea at the time. It did not seem like a good idea as I was running out of fuel. I had been looking for a gas station for a while, I was sleepy, needed to pee and the car needed fuel, but there where no stations in the immediate vicinity of the motorway. So the result was waking up Per: “Um, Per, we are running out of Diesel.”

So there we were - at the all too narrow shoulder out of Diesel with trucks rushing by less then half a meter from our side. I got on a stylish yellow west and started digging out our spare jerry can - 20l of diesel. This was conveniently placed under pretty much everything. Well. Everything heavy.

Finally we had gotten the car filled up and started and everything was just great. We drove off laughing. We laughed all the way to the first gas station where we decided to fill up. When we stopped we noticed something quite impractical. One of the rear doors was a bit open. When I say a bit open, well, I really should say “wide open”. We realized that we must have lost something™. Something could be a couple cans of Red Bull + some antifreeze or it could be all the passports + camera + a baby seal.

We believe. Still believe. That the only thing we lost was some food + some tool (we heard a metallic clank somewhere along the way to the fuel station). We are still missing a baby seal though.

The rest of the trip was truly uneventful. So uneventful that our GPS felt it was a good idea to send us sightseeing away from the Autobahn and into small German villages - this under the pretense of avoiding traffic. Great. We got to do the scenic route. There is an awesome view from a car running trough German forests in the dead of the night. Thank you Garmin!

There is only one last thing worth mentioning - that is the bumpy piece of ground that is camouflaged as road from the German/Polish border and for all too many miles. It is really the kind of road you can find in parts of Eastern Europe and Africa. Yes. Our engine-protection rig got to hit the ground at highway speeds. Yes. The sound is truly unnerving.

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